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11 September 2024
This review contains spoilers!
Barking through time and space, one adventure at a time!
There’s an action-packed intro with the Bad Starkey and K9 before we get a pointless scene with the Dull Professor and the Annoying Kid and another with the Forgettable Girl and her Villain Mother.
At least they are trying to inject some time travel elements into the plot, even if they hardly bring any excitement to this.
I just realised that the Department is supposed to be some sort of wannabe Torchwood/UNIT.
K9 is a bit more in this, which is good, even if he doesn’t get to do a lot.
The design of the Korven is a bit silly, but at least they are a better alien race than the Jizen in the previous two episodes. They don’t do much with them beyond having them kidnap the Dull Professor (and unfortunately fail to kill him).
They seemed to have put some effort into that climax. Well done!
I can’t believe they made K9 fart!
I find the title of this episode hilarious. “Korv” is Swedish for "sausage,” and “korven” is the singular, determined form of the word, so it would be “the sausage” in English.
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