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Review of The Keeper of Traken by uss-genderprise

15 August 2024

This review contains spoilers!

This is one of those stories I enjoy, then immediately forget. The high point was the costuming: seeing the quick evolution of Trekan fashion in the beginning, the obvious differences in fabrics and cuts between higher and lower ranks and even older and younger people, was something that I personally really appreciate.

The story itself was fine. I got lost at some point in the second episode and spent a lot of time mildly confused. I did, however, manage to predict the Master twist, despite not knowing he was in this episode. It's nice to have him back.

I love Adric in this. He gets to be a little sassy and a lot more proactive than usual, and his budding friendship with Nyssa is a joy to watch.

Most of all, I'm glad to see the Fourth Doctor era come to an end. I'm excited to finally meet the Fifth Doctor and get a change of pace.


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