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Review of The Keeper of Traken by thedefinitearticle63

21 June 2024

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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Warriors' Gate

And thus, we've arrived at Tom Baker's penultimate story as the Fourth Doctor.

It starts off really slow, the first part was exceedingly dull. Nothing actually happens but it does serve to establish some of the characters. I will say the setting is very vibrant and Traken is a well-realised place with some solid world-building.

After that though, the story picks up and I absolutely love the cliffhangers in this one. Geoffrey Beevers is also in this in his only TV appearance as the Master. I think he's absolutely brilliant, his voice is especially good but it is weird to have listened to so many audio stories with him before he's even appeared on the show.

My only gripe is that the actual reveal of the Master to the audience was very anticlimactic. I don't really see what a lot of people mean when they say Tom Baker looks like he's given up or that he's phoning it in as he seems on top form in this and the last few stories.

Anthony Ainley shines in this story as Tremas, he's a very good side character in my opinion and I'm looking forward to seeing where his Master goes.

Next Story: Logopolis


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