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Review of The Juggernauts by Speechless

23 March 2025

This review contains spoilers!

The Monthly Adventures #065 - “The Juggernauts" by Scott Alan Woodard

Is there a greater task for a Doctor Who writer than writing an interesting Dalek story? Possibly not. If I’m being honest, the show needs to retire these things, send them out with a bang, not a one season absence gimmick. But why? These things are the literal reason the show still runs today, why would I want rid of them? Because at this point, every Dalek story has been written. Short of some dreadfully dull twist such as “It’s the Daleks, but in Groundhog Day!” or “It’s the Daleks, but in Fantastic Voyage!”, we’ve pretty much seen every facet of these things and their creator. Now, what we're left with is a sea of identical beings, every Dalek-centric episode stagnating in just-alright territory with little to set them apart. This was my main problem with The Juggernauts because, once I’d finished it, all I could think of was why there was any reason to listen to it.

Stranded after a crash, Mel takes up work in remote scientific colony, Lethe, whilst she waits for the Doctor to rescue her. However, the Time Lord has his own agenda; forced to work with the Daleks, the Doctor arrives on Lethe with the intention of facing down Mel’s new boss: Davros.


The Juggernauts is one of those stories that I find endlessly annoying to review because what I have to say on it isn’t much. It falls through the cracks and I could probably sum up the majority of my thoughts in a sentence. However, I will try to spin something out of this, beginning with perhaps my biggest takeaway - Terry Molloy. Molloy is always fantastic, Davros (the story, not the character) can attest to that, but he’s absolutely carrying this story on his shoulders. Great both as the cruel and twisted Davros and the kindly Professor Vaso, you can tell exactly how ranged Molloy is here and every scene between him and Baker was a delight. I also love stories that don’t skimp on his cruelty and the scene where he murders an entire room of executives in order to aid his master plan was fantastic.

As for the story itself, I’ll get onto why it’s nothing to write home about but I should mention Woodard’s style here, which I found highly enjoyable. For as much as I think this story is nothing special, Woodard injects an energetic, quick-witted and altogether very mature stylishness into the story that at least makes it not as great a chore as it could’ve been. However, this is mostly carried by our lead performers Bonnie Langford, who’s always a delight, and the forever indomitable Colin Baker. They’re both fantastic here but especially Mel, who gets some, if not exemplary, decent character work done that I did appreciate, along with the amount of agency she had in the story.

However, the script itself is where the audio begins to struggle because I am simply not impressed by what I’ve got. The thing that jumps out to me immediately is just how awfully paced this thing is. It began somewhat strongly, with a small timeskip and Mel having integrated herself into this colony - it was an interesting set up the story could’ve masterfully built off of, especially with the reveal that her boss is a disguised Davros. Think about it: the tension as Davros tries not to be revealed, Mel struggling with having to let go of the friendships she made, that horrible feeling of a good life falling apart the inevitable become inevitable. And that is what we get, for the first half at least before the story goes from 0 to 100, this is all mostly dropped and we’re left with subpar Dalek shenanigans instead. There’s very little build up to this change in tone and it honestly feels like two different stories. Once the Doctor shows up, Davros doesn’t even try to hide who he is and everything begins all at once in a truly unsatisfying way.

It also doesn’t help that the sidecast is this dull - there is an attempt at playing off of the relationships Mel has formed in the three months she’s been away from the Doctor but unfortunately that relationship is with Geoff, who has uncharacteristically terrible dialogue for this story and is lumped with a very stilted performance. Other than that, the other character came and went; there was some interesting stuff with substance-abusing, cowardly suit Kryson but his storyline didn’t really go anywhere. For a story so reliant on its characters, it really struggles to give anybody for our main duo to play off besides Davros.

But that’s not why I think The Juggernauts is something to sleep on, no, my biggest problem with The Juggernauts is that it is categorically, unequivocally, astoundingly generic. It is formula to the max, everything here is in other, better Dalek stories. We literally just had a Davros/Six story that is a thousand times better and we’re about to get an Eight/Davros story that is a million times better, so really, what was the point of this audio? The Daleks feel like a generic robotic bad guy, the mechanoids are interchangeable and used purely as plot devices, the Daleks working with the Doctor are not followed through on, Davros wanting to change has already been done. The Juggernauts falls into the common trap of just rewriting better Dalek stories into something more derivative and for that, I can not bring myself to recommend this story.

I feel sorry for The Juggernauts. It was doomed from the beginning by its nature,  a fool’s errand that resulted in exactly what it was. It’s not offensive, it’s not embarrassing, hell, it’s not that boring, but when you get a story that feels like a worse version of other episodes, I find little point to it all.



+ Yet another fantastic performance from Terry Molloy

+ The style is quick and witty

+ Brilliant performances from Langford and Baker

+ Gave Mel some great characterisation



- Horribly paced

- Generic and derivative story that didn’t expand on the ideas it had

- Dull and often irritating sidecast


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