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Review of The Juggernauts by 15thDoctor

8 January 2025

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Davros is suitably sneaky in this one. Hypnotising a large number of victims into thinking he is a lovely man, manipulating them into helping his cause whilst making them feel lucky for being able to do this.

Davros competes with the Daleks for The Doctor’s cooperation, claiming to want to destroy the daleks before fading into obscurity and dismantling the mechanoids. Of course - the doctor can’t trust anyone...!

If there is one small criticism of this play, it is that it is very similar to Genesis of the Daleks (just swap out Daleks for Mechanoids and Thals for Daleks). The way Davros is able to manipulate and control people in positions of power is similar and of course the fact that the doctor is sent on a mission (but by the Daleks instead of the Time Lords).

Regardless, Genesis is an amazing story and I appreciate it’s re-telling. The joy is in hearing Terry Malloy nail the part of Davros and his interactions with Mel and The Doctor. Shortly after its release BF amp things up considerably with I, Davros.


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