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Review of The Inquiry by dema1020

27 December 2024

This review contains spoilers!

This one was alright. I had some fun with the time-travel laden nature of this conspiracy but it felt like there wasn't much of the actual Inquiry set up at the start of the story. It really just boils down to more of Leela and Romana moving around to different scenes.  For whatever reason I didn't connect with Leela's loss of her husband as much in this story, and it a pretty critical part of The Inquiry.

I don't know, this is one of the weaker Gallfrey audios I've encountered so far.  I'm starting to worry that this series isn't quite for me, or that my expectations for what beings as powerful as the Time Lords should be like are way to high for an audio story.  But I guess my feeling on that is that if you aren't really willing to get really weird and wild with the Gallifreyan politics, then the Time Lords are just going to come across as petty, kind of stupid children rather than practical demi-gods.

We'll see.  I want to give this series an open mind.  This was the first Gallifrey episode that's given me pause.


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