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Review of The Inquiry by Jae

3 February 2025

This review contains spoilers!

Enjoyed this one, there’s a lot of interesting plot and some very cool character moments. It did take me two listens to feel like I grasped the plot but tbh that’s nearly always the case with audios, the first time it’s just unconnected, short scenes in my mind, no matter what I do. I liked the convoluted time/matrix stuff, it’s really fun that this series seems to explore some of the weirder time travel stuff more.

It’s nice to see some more background for Braxiatel, this story gives him some real character, where before he seemed to mostly be someone Romana could talk to, and I think his motivation is beautifully acted out too.

Romana herself, is, as always, wonderful (I just adore her voice!) and gets to be quite clever. I particularly enjoyed the scene where she uncovered Braxiatel’s apparent involvement.

Leela also continues to be wonderful. She can just do so much raw emotion especially with her uncovering/starting to uncover? -feels like that is not quite done yet- the circumstances of Andred’s death.

All in all, a great story, though the first two were a bit better in my opinion.


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