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Review of The Hollows of Time by thedefinitearticle63

6 October 2024

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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Leviathan

I'm not sure what to think of this one if I'm being honest. For a so-called "lost story" it's surprisingly experimental in a way that I feel like Season 22 was not. It still feels like a Season 22 script but it plays with concepts that feel a lot more modern to me. It's definitely one of those stories that would have been fascinating to see on TV, especially since it's such a visual story. In general though I'm really mixed on this story, it has all the hallmarks of a mediocre 80s story but it has the vibe of early 2000s Big Finish.

In a twist nobody was expecting, this story is a sequel to Frontios. Now I love Frontios, I'm not entirely sure why, I just know that I really enjoy it. If I had to guess though I'd say that the Tractators are not what I enjoyed about Frontios because they're really dull and painfully generic here. They feel quite out of place and contribute very little to the actual plot. This story ends up feeling like an excuse for Bidmead to bring back a monster he made.

I'm glad that after using what seemed to be genuine child actors for Mission to Magnus, Big Finish have opted to have the young boy here played by an adult woman which means Simon ends up being a fairly likeable character. This story has a lot of references to Bletchley, somewhere not too far from me so it was really odd hearing the Doctor talk about it so much. I understand why, and the historical significance/relevance it has but it will never not be weird hearing the name of a small place you know so well in something like Doctor Who.

Overall, I enjoyed this story, but I can't say I liked it. At most I respect what it tries to do, especially considering when this would have been originally written.

Next Story: Paradise 5


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