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Review of The Hollows of Time by 15thDoctor

20 December 2024

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A very slow story. More of a focus on extraneous factual information and coming across as clever than just delivering an entertaining story. Having read a Christopher H Bidmead interview a few years back his personality seems to align with his writing style here. It permeates every part of the script. The Doctor bores on about the meaning of obscure words, going into detail about irrelevant historical events - why does he think this behaviour is impressive, who is it for?

It's a shame that they were not able to use the Master, when Professor Stream is clearly the Master in disguise. Another odd, off layer.

One of the worst things I've ever heard from Big Finish. A chore to get through.

The interviews that follow this story kick off with Colin describing the story as “labyrinthine”. After two days of working on the story he did not understand all of the complexities of the plot. That says it all really. How are the listeners supposed to understand something that the actors themselves can’t?

The production sounds like a nightmare from start to finish. David Richardson then talks about how the original script was well overrunning - with bits that didn’t really lead anywhere. In the studio they had to continually eliminate unnaturally descriptive dialogue. There were bits they would not have wanted in the script had it been an audio only script and bits that “they were not totally happy with”.They seemed to only keep it as it was to make it as authentic to the original vision as possible - disappointing.


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