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Review of The Harvest by RandomJoke

16 March 2025

This review contains spoilers!

'The Harvest' is an interesting Beast to tackle. Personally speaking, I really enjoy it, as a bleak dark Tale, it has everything. Great Tension, great Twists, great Production Value and a gripping Story, which flies by quickly but had me engaged for most of it.

There are of course two other Aspects with this Story worth talking. For one, this is the Introduction Story for our new Companion Hex and as far as those Stories goes, it's easily one that had me invested from the Start in this new Figure. It was a smart Move having the Focus on him for most of the first Episode, before we see a Tardis Reveal with the Doctor and some fun Banter. Phillip Oliver, his Actor, feels like an organic Part in that Tardis Team, so it's no surprise he decides to come along with their Travels. One of its biggest highlights is for sure how effective the Tension is build, instead of throwing most Cards around already, we get piece by piece revealed. Be it the Appearance of the Doctor, the Revelation they face off against Cybermen and so on. This greatly enhances the Atmosphere of the Story.

Another Aspect worth talking about with this Story is the Cybermen, who get to be a bit different from usual. I love how we play around with the Horror of them, all the best of their Stories have a Horror Touch to them. I especially like the Revelation of "the Cyber-Humans", what a brilliant Twist!


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