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Review of The Happiness Patrol by 15thDoctor

26 April 2024

This review contains spoilers!

A brilliant premise for a story - a world where people are forced to be happy or else they are punished with death. Whilst the full potential of this premise is not explored within the ample runtime, the lead villain sells it well and is treated to an excellent face off with McCoy part three in which he tells her passionately the errors of her ways.

Similarly to Delta and the Bannermen there are a few to many guest characters. It would have been better if they’d just focused on the best ones - perhaps fleshing out the role of the candyman and the guy playing the blues - both of whom scream potential but come off a bit one dimensional. There is a lot of running around.

Whilst most of this would have looked more appropriate shot on location (it feels quite constrained given their portraying a whole world) I have to tip my hat to the team who put together the candyman and his lair which look phenomenal.


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