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Review of The Gunfighters by JustAsPlanned

27 January 2025

This review contains spoilers!

As of writing, I have not seen all of Doctor Who. That said, I do not think there is a single episode like The Gunfighters throughout the entire show, and part of me doesn't think there ever will be again. It's like the TARDIS landed in an entire different genre or something - part of me wonders whether the sheer camp of this story is leftover bits of the Toymaker's realm bleeding through into reality, or whether they popped in for a trip to the land of fiction.

And it was so much fun. The acting was atrocious in most parts (those accents, dear god), the plot was as cliche as one can get (even the doctor points this out at the end) and those musical interludes were so jarring... but I loved every minute.


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