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Review of The Green-Eyed Monsters by Seagullslost

16 May 2024

This starts out with Benny recording a message for her baby, Peter, and it seemed that it would be the explanation of what's happened since the last audio, but no. Adrain is the father, who we've met before in the audios (but I did have to do some research to remember). With Benny having began in the Doctor who novels, then having her own novels, and then audios; her timeline is a little mixed up, if like me, you've only been following the audios it can be a little confussing. But though it feels like I missed a bit, it wasn't enough to cause a problem.

The story here is Benny, once again, is contacted to authenticate some relics. The system she's going to is plagued by the fact that a leader is needed to united the fractions. The leader in fact being twins, who, if they are the real deal, their eyes will glow green in the presence of the artifatcs. Simple yeah.

Of course that's not so straight forward. Also Adrian wants to involved with the baby but then so does Bennys ex Jason, and they get left holding the baby while Benny goes off to do her thing.

So gererally quite enjoyable, Bennys adventure has some twists. There are some really nice bits with Adrain and Jason. There are references to the stories or story that's been missed, and does make me what to go and find out what happened, but you get the gist anyway.

I did laugh out loud at one point, its unusual for me, so that was nice.

There's little here that hasn't been done before. Issues with a new born, men having to look after a baby. The twin prince's, though adults, have the mental capacity of a 5 year old. But its a light hearted, enjoyable romp and as a hours entertainment it does the trick.


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