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Review of The Ghost of Margaret by thedefinitearticle63

10 May 2024

This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Stone Cold

And finally, the story to round out Series 12 of the 4DA's.

I'll admit, the villain is not the main part of this story (not that they are uninteresting), this story is very much character-driven.

It was an odd choice to bring back a member of Dainty Company from one of the previous stories, but not a bad one. It's a heartfelt culmination to Margaret Hopwood's story.

I enjoyed the bootstrap paradox ending, the bootstrap paradox is always a fun way of looping a story back to the start.

Not much to say about the Doctor and Leela in this, as the main focus is definitely on Margaret.

Next Story: Horror of Fang Rock

Review created on 10-05-24 , last edited on 10-05-24