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Review of The Genocide Machine by uss-genderprise

18 March 2025

This review contains spoilers!

This isn't the worst Dalek story put there, but considering the general quality of Dalek stories that doesn't say much. I think there were some interesting concepts (such as the library and water-based lifeforms) and some fun moments (like the character who never got to speak and Ace getting to blow things up, as usual) but it's a pretty middling story for the most part.

What really dragged it down for me was the sound design. While the voice acting for the Daleks is quite good, their voices are extremely grating in this story. On top of that, there's this terrible high-pitched whine in every scene in their statis chamber that gave me quite a headache. The beeps and chirps used for almost every machine in this audio were also very annoying. It made it very difficult to get through.


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