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Review of The Friendly Place by 15thDoctor

20 February 2025

This review contains spoilers!

The brain washed theme park threads of this story are rather lovely, ideas we’ve seen before but with a fresh coat of paint. The various references to people vomiting at theme parks are consistently funny.

Alice does not get as much to do in this story as Gabby does around this era in the 10th Doctor titan comics, she is more or less in the same place after her first alien world as she was beforehand. This simple one shot might not be the ideal place for fleshing out her character.

The story starts to falter a little when it moves onto an alien who is essentially draining park goer’s life force. It’s a trope that has been done too many times already in Doctor Who and almost always ends with The Doctor overloading the alien creature’s consciousness - as it does here.

I am intrigued by the epilogue though, a big bad who has met The Doctor in his future and knows what is to come - exciting!


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