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Review of The Fourth Wall by MrColdStream

4 January 2025

This review contains spoilers!

Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time!

“The Fourth Wall: Breaking Comics and the Fourth Wall”

The Fourth Wall takes bold creative risks, showcasing Titan Comics’ knack for experimenting with storytelling. This meta-adventure sees the Twelfth Doctor breaking the fourth wall to address readers directly, while the plot revolves around people being pulled into comic book pages—a concept eerily mirrored in the recent Season 2 teaser trailer, where a comic book character escapes into the real world. The premise feels reminiscent of The Idiot's Lantern, with Mark Gatiss’s Wire snatching people into televisions, but with a unique comic book twist.

A highlight is the playful commentary at the comic book store, where the Doctor critiques the male dominance of comics, and Clara cheekily points out he’s never regenerated into a woman. The parodies of iconic superheroes—Steel Man, Spidey-Guy—add a layer of humour. The Doctor discovering a comic featuring himself nods to the superhero-inspired The Return of Doctor Mysterio.

The return of the Boneless from Flatline as the antagonists is a perfect fit for the comic-centric story. These two-dimensional beings use comics to draw people into their universe, making them a clever and sinister choice for this medium.

While the adventure is fun and fast-paced, it prioritises action over depth. Characterisation and worldbuilding take a back seat, and the story rushes to a conclusion that feels abrupt and slightly unsatisfying.

📝Verdict: 9/10

The Fourth Wall is a visually engaging and innovative tale, but its pacing issues and lack of narrative weight leave it feeling like a missed opportunity.


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