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Review of The Final Phase by thedefinitearticle63

26 May 2024

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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: The Dalek Contract

Rather sadly, this is both Mary Tamm's and Romana I's appearances in the extended timeline, and I'm glad it's happened on a good story.

It's a surprisingly good Dalek story, with plenty of great side characters. Cuthbert is even better in this and he's set up as a good future villain. Romana's reaction to the Doctor's "death" is fairly good and so are that last moments of this audio. It's a good ending to a fun series and, in the extended timeline, Season 16 as a whole.

Next Story: Destiny of the Daleks

Series Review: 9/10

For a series that has 4/7 stories written by Nick Briggs it's surprisingly really good, genuinely there was really only one story I didn't like, the rest ranged from passable to brilliant. I think it's helped that Tom Baker and Mary Tamm have excellent chemistry on audio and there were some genuinely interesting concepts throughout the series.

Extended Timeline Season Review: 9.5/10

In the extended timeline, Season 16 goes from The Sinestran Kill to The Final Phase with all of televised Season 16 in the middle.

It's not a season without it's faults, the series of 4DAs at the start, with Ann Kelso were very dull, but after that, the televised season and now Series 2 of the 4DAs it's probably been one of my favourite Tom Baker seasons. The Key to Time was a brilliant story arc.

Romana I is one of my favourite companions of 4 so far, beaten only by Leela, so I'm curious to see how Lalla Ward as Romana II will play out. It is sad that as a season this will probably have no more content, due to the unfortunate death of Mary Tamm, but the little we did get made for a fun little trip through time and space.


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