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Review of The Final Beginning by acjd_shmacjd

12 August 2024

a really strong start! having recently finished my first go through the 1960s stories, i’ve found myself really eager for more, and these second doctor audios seemed like a good place to pick up from! i love the confidence in going ahead with establishing a timeline post-“war games”, pre-“spearhead”, i already find it really fascinating. michael troughton’s performance as the second doctor isn’t 1:1 voice-wise, but the dedication to the replication of patrick troughton’s mannerisms does wonders to really make it feel like 2 never even left :) i also really quite liked raven’s voice, i found it relaxing. the other characters this story, silas and catrona, didn’t particularly do much for me, but they served a decent enough purpose, more specifically cat did.


the story comes to a weak and half-baked climax unfortunately, but it does very little to harm my opinion on the story overall, which i found to be an atmospheric, engrossing, ominous, thoroughly interesting and also quite comfortable listen that i really enjoyed!


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