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Review of The Evil of the Daleks by 15thDoctor

19 August 2024

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Why is it that Dalek stories in the classic series are so often the best ones? This is the last one for a long time and a lot happens!

The Doctor reveals that he isn't human - a rare piece of character development. I loved the Victoriana feel of the story, with Daleks reaching across time to manipulate events and fully utilising time travel - another rare thing.

The friendly Daleks - Alpha, Beta and Omega were great fun (and not in a silly The Chase way) against the ruthless Daleks, supposedly searching for 'the human factor', this gave the enemies a great send off. There aren't more than a handful of moments in Doctor Who I would like to see returned more than those.

We then get another new companion. II prefer having two companions to three, feeling this dynamic is easier to write for. However, its a shame that they have gone from two gritty and interesting characters like Polly and Ben, who are rarely victims, to someone to another companion who's main purpose is to be vulnerable. We'll see though! Too early to judge.

Good end to the series!


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