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Review of The Entropy Plague by maxy0419

10 March 2025

"Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. Sand to sand."

I am frankly unsure where I begin with this one, especially considering I am still in an emotional state after hearing it, but god damn. This story was absolutely brilliant. An excellent use of narration as the framing device, which really helped me immerse myself into the story even more.

It's an utterly heart-breaking ending for Nyssa, though. She sacrificed her own freedom to remain in E-Space, a now dying universe, so that another planet didn't have to go through what she did with entropy causing a planetary extinction. It's bittersweet, and just that final scene alone broke me completely. Writing a letter for her son and daughter that they'd never get to see, but she's doing for peace of mind anyway? I think it's a beautiful exit for the character as a whole, but I do not think I will forgive them for the emotional damage. 

I'd say overall, it was an absolutely brilliant story. Well and truly deserving of those five stars, entirely because of the way it concludes this series of Older Nyssa stories. It absolutely belongs in a hall of some of the best later Big Finish stories produced.

Jonathan Morris, if there is a very slim chance that you're actually reading this, you will be paying for my therapy.


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