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Review of The End of the World by 15thDoctor

26 April 2024

This review contains spoilers!

In terms of excitement, emotions and characters this is another watertight reinvention of Doctor Who. It’s so far in the future, and so widescreen, with so many monsters - but still a connection back to humanity, watching our Earth’s dying days and the “last human”. You get an interdimensional phone call home and Rose quite rightly challenges The Doctor for letting the TARDIS get inside her head - a completely new spin on the Doctor/ companion dynamic. You continue to see the universe afresh through Rose’s eyes.

This second episode looks a lot stronger than Keith Boak’s opening one as well, it looks less rushed, more confident, more expensive. The effects sequences are also (for 2005) state of the art.

Some of the internal logic of the story is what stops it from being a classic. For example, a single button on the controller’s desk that lowers the sun filter, that when pressed the controller seemingly doesn’t know how to reverse. Also, there are deadly fans running across a platform that you need to pass in order to access important controls. Untidy plot points like these make the high stakes drama feel a bit forced in places. But this doesn’t matter because the main takeaway is the human drama.

The growing relationship between Rose and The Doctor is incredibly successful. They are funny together. She is so relatable and he is so alien. They are already an iconic duo.


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