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Review of The Empty Hand by Hand1es

19 March 2025

This review contains spoilers!

Tim Foley doesn’t disappoint me, even in his very first Big Finish outing. And now I get why everyone loves Andy, an everyday person with a heart of gold (considering my first impression of him was in the 8DA Stranded series, and I was really annoyed about the Torchwood aspect of that series), and in this episode he went through some of the worst things that could happen to anyone.

However, there is an issue for me that I can’t get over. The depiction of police brutality as a product of alien intervention, as if it being a state-sponsored violent machine wasn’t inherently wrong enough. Even it reveals at the end that the first murder was indeed racially motivated, it was a little too late.

Some other things that didn’t sit well with me include 1) the student protests being used by people with ulterior motives, and 2) what is wrong with Jack in this boxset, he barely appears in the last few episodes, and the moment he’s back he’s back being a complete asshole?

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed this story a lot, and it truly was a massive step up from this lackluster series. Dealing with multiple storylines at once and still managed to deliver an overall decent story. But dear lord, I guess some of these political stories really hit a little too close to home for my liking.


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