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Review of The Doomsday Contract by NyssaTheNerd

1 May 2024

This review contains spoilers!

This audio, that never made it past the scripting stage, is absolutely wonderful. It absolutely reeks of that Hitchhiker's charm mainly because of the, albeit little, input that the late great Douglas Adams had on the original idea and how closely he and John Lloyd worked together on other projects. The main plot of this audio is that Earth is about to be demolished (sounds familiar right?) and the Doctor is the star witness chosen to defend it. The main cast all play the audio very well and give convincing performances laced with subtle humour and acerbic wit. It's good to hear Baker, Ward and Leeson on audio together (as this is my first experience of them) as they bounce off of each other very well. I found myself laughing out loud on many an occasion during this audio. Nev Fountain had done a very good job adapting this audio and it makes me curious to experience his other audios.

Overall, I have found The Doomsday Contract to be a thoroughly enjoyable listen throughout, full of nice references to the rest of the Whoniverse. I will almost certainly be checking out Fountain's other work and the other story in this series of the Lost Stories


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