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1 June 2024
This review contains spoilers!
Maybe it's just because I went so low with the last episode, but I really, really liked this one. It was fun!
The theme music being diegetic is a very nice touch, I love those sorts of things.
A wardrobe change is always fun, though I'm a little disappointed we don't get to actually see the wardrobe. It's also a little odd that Ruby should change when her outfit in the beginning of the episode already wouldn't have looked out of place in the 60's.
The line suddenly claiming it's June is extremely jarring for the second episode of the season, especially when it's implied that this is the first time Ruby asked to go to a specific place in time, and is likely yet another symptom of the shorter season, but, along with everything else in this episode making it feel more suited to later in the series, it's possible its place was moved after the episode was completed.
For an episode that was marketed all around the Beatles, they played a very small role. I had somewhat expected that, but it was still disappointing. The fact that only two of them had any spoken lines and I don't think we ever even see Ringo's face is very telling. That, combined with a plethora of factual errors about the Beatles - most notably that in real life none of them could read sheet music - makes one consider why they chose to make this episode all about the Beatles in the first place. They didn't even have a Beatles song. I've heard from people who are not very familiar with the Beatles that they didn't even realise the "bad" song wasn't a real Beatles song, and as someone who knows a lot about the Beatles without having heard all of their songs, I agree it sounds like a song they absolutely would have made (they've written worse, as you can hear in the Anthologies).
The piano scene was lovely, a beautiful song, and the reactions of the people who heard it really added to the atmosphere. I especially liked the old woman who then went to play her own piano - it's likely that, with music only going out in the 1920's, she remembers hearing good music in her younger years.
I *loved* Maestro. They're camp, they're over the top, they have fantastic fashion sense, and all in all they're just great fun. Playing the Master's theme to mess with the TARDIS was a nice touch.
I don't like the music notes flying around. That kind of effect always looks cheap and cheesy, and is never accurate to the actual notes being played.
The song at the end was a choice. Murray Gold has never been good at writing lyrics, and while that's fine for a background song like in The Rings of Akhaten, it's terrible when the song takes centre stage as it does in this episode. It also goes on for much too long.
Despite all the issues I have with this episode, it's just really fun!
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