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Review of The Devil’s Chord by st4rshiptr00per

11 May 2024

LOVED THIS ONE which isn’t surprising even a little because i love episodes where everything goes bonkers like this and the Giggle, i love a music theme, i love fourth wall breaks, and i especially love a big hammy villain who chews the scenery and laughs and screams and terrorizes everyone. i am so big on DW having magic in it. or at least things incomprehensible enough to be thought of as magic. it feels correct.

LOVE Maestro. the makeup is so on point particularly in that final outfit with the sickly looking dark eyes and smears around the mouth... and what a performance. good lord. they were tearing that shit UP. exactly as terrifying as necessary.

I’m liking the reoccurring stuff so far this season of stories/contrivance/formula and music… it really is reminding me of what i’ve seen of the Eighth Doctor Adventures and the way DWs form as a fiction series kind of gets addressed in those books. SO interested to know where all of this is going.

also i will admit when i saw the double decker bus with the number 77 parked in the background of i really did think it was a 22, and after how much I’ve been joking about Iris showing up in the new series i almost lost my mind.

5/5 for me BABY Maestro you are my everything…mwah

Review created on 11-05-24