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Review of The Dark Husband by thedefinitearticle63

1 March 2025

This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Nocturne

I'm surprised to see this one as hated as it is. It was no masterpiece but I had a good time with it and there were some really genuinely good moments. I can see how some people might find a bit too ridiculous. There is also absolutely a case to be made that Hex was badly written here. There's a fairly drastic difference in how he acts here compared to how he acts in just about every other story and I can see how it would be off-putting.

Aside from that fairly big issue I really liked the whole stuff with the two species and the sentient planet. 7's characterisation is quite interesting here and it really leans into his more manipulative side with him deciding to end a really long war seemingly on a whim. Fun story but probably not if you care deeply about Hex's characterisation (and that's really the main thing bringing it down for me).

Next Story: False Gods


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