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Review of The Dance of the Dead by Seagullslost

20 May 2024

Waking up from heavy drinking Benny finds herself on a spaceship going home, but its never straight forward is it?

The ship sufferers from some accident/explosion. There are Ice warriors for company, but crystals that contain the memories of an alien race are shattered and Benny and Grand Marshall Sstac start reliving those memories.

This is one of those stories in a series where you kind of know that its a filler, its not going to have any long term impact on the series and by the end everything will back as it was. I'm reminded of an episode of Deep Space Nine where an old Jake Sisko ruminates about a decision he made long ago and by the end it doesn't happen and everything is fine. It just doesn't really go anywhere.

Its not bad, but just not that engaging, I was never in a situation where I wanted to get back to carry on listening to find out what was going on. I did consider not bothering to finish it, but I did and it was ok, but just ok.


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