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Review of The Daleks by JayPea

22 February 2025

This review contains spoilers!

And here's where it really all began, Doctor Who's first aliens, the first alien world, the introduction of the iconic villians.

Overall, I think it's... yeah no, I think it's good!

I think there's some really great stuff here. First off, as someone who's never really cared to learn anything about the Thals, I found myself surprised by how much I enjoyed them here, their presence really humanises what could otherwise be a very alien story. I think Barbara's growing fondness with one is a highlight of the story too. It's also pretty interesting to compare them with the cavemen of the previous story, both more 'primitive' peoples, one lusting for the power of fire, one where having it all brought them to ruin. One generally acting violently and confrontationally with the TARDIS team, the other trying to help them, before even having met them.

My favourite part of this story however is the start, the building of the atmosphere and dread, landing on a dead planet, finding out that something horrific has clearly happened here and learning more as the group explore, then seeing the magnificent city in the distance. How different the city is and how empty it is at first, with that magnificant cliffhanger, Barbara through the Dalek's eyes. It really is incredible.

Unfortunately, the rest of the serial suffers from the same problem I have with a lot of Classic Who, the story seems to drag a bit for me, and it gets a little repetitive with the TARDIS Team once again being captured multiple times in a single story. I also dont' think this story really needed to be Seven parts (though admittedly, my ADHD doesn't help with that).

It definitely helped that I didn't watch this story all at once for me, and in writing this review, I think I've realised that I like it a lot more reflecting on the whole than I did watching any individual part.

If nothing else, it's a piece of Doctor Who History, and it'll always have a place for being that, the fact it holds up as an solidly entertaining story sixty years on just makes that even more deserved.



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