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Review of The Dalek Invasion of Earth by RandomJoke

4 August 2024

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The Story is a tricky one for me. I never really was big on it, but yet the more I think about it, the more I liked. Nation peaked with his early Dalek Stories for me all stellar script, which sadly I can’t say about some certain later scripts for him, but we are far away from those. Honestly, many already pointed some great parts of that Story out, like with its Ambition and Bleakness. Like many others, I am not too keen on the romance. In many ways, this is for sure the first definitive Dalek Story, dare I say the definitive for this Doctor. (Not my favorite but definitive one? Yes, big yes.) I’d really love how we see that Hartnells Doctor turns pretty much into a Hero in this Story, sure he had lots of heroic moments in the other serial, but this one is the one that basically makes sure that this path is much more closer. I love the road trip elements of this Serial. Furthermore, I love the remaining Humans being so desperate of survival and some will stand together while others don’t is so lovely. I will say unlike the first Dalek Story this is pretty much the Dalek Serial for One and Susan, although both Ian and Barbara are stellar as well. No wonder why this is a classic! Such well-done and love love the Location Filming. Oh, and the Robomen are a very nice Concept, I’d love them, shame that they didn't appear much again in later Stories, then again the Cybermen feel like a much more polished version of that Concept.
What a way for the Daleks to return and kick us into Dalekmania!


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