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Review of The Crusade by TheDHolford

21 August 2024

“I admire bravery and loyalty, sir. You have both of these. Unfortunately, you haven’t any brain at all!”

A story where not much really happens? It’s not exactly bad or terrible, but it’s a thinly structured plot and mostly very forgettable. Another historical that drops us in and doesn’t really explain the context or history fully, instead letting the audience learn as the story progresses. It could work if there was much of interest here.

Probably not helped by two missing episodes with the reconstructions being the only way to watch, but from the first and third episode, it does seem like they had some decent sets and designs for the costumes.

There’s not a lot for our main cast to do, but we do have two very strong performances Jean Marsh and Julian Glover, neither character that interesting, but both performances some of the best we’ve had so far for side characters.

Fairly forgettable, and feels a little too small scale and short on story for four parts. Not bad, but totally forgettable.


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