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Review of The Crusade by RandomJoke

15 December 2024

Love this one. Kinda a shame back then we didn’t get this animated, because really with two episodes missing, it would have been lovely if we got an animation back then, when they did a few around 2013/2014.
Back to the story, it’s writing is stellar. The Acting both from our Guest stars such as Marsh and Glover is superb, the same could be said about our regulars, Hartnell and O’Briens Dynamic is just superb. Many already talked and describe some of its aspects incredibly well (such as the big elephant with this Story, which I won’t get much into, since I doubt I could say it better than somebody than others.)

Overall I am impressed what they were able to pull off with this one, dare I say this might be the second darkest pure historical on TV (only beaten by the atmosphere of the Massacre, but that’s a story for another time)


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