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Review of The Conspiracy by PalindromeRose

7 July 2024

Torchwood – The Monthly Adventures

#001. The Conspiracy ~ 5/10

◆ An Introduction

I’ve invested a fair amount of time and money into the Torchwood audios, so it makes sense that we should take a look at where it all began. Spoiler alert: it’s not very good. In all fairness though, this was very clearly a pilot for the range.

Let’s see what David Llewellyn was trying to do, and why it failed.

◆ Publisher’s Summary

Captain Jack Harkness has always had his suspicions about the Committee. And now Wilson is also talking about the Committee. Apparently the world really is under the control of alien lizards. That’s what Wilson says. People have died, disasters have been staged, the suspicious have disappeared.

It’s outrageous.

Only Jack knows that Wilson is right. The Committee has arrived.

◆ Cpt. Jack Harkness

John Barrowman’s performance makes it blatantly clear that this was a pilot. He doesn’t sound all that confident with the material, but by no means is he awful.

Jack has been on Wilson’s trail for some time, but knows that he’d be escorted out if he were aware Torchwood was spying on him. He’s clearly enjoying going undercover as a journalist, trying to get information out of Wilson. Who else is walking around Cardiff wearing grey military surplus jackets? Jack claims that somebody needs to stop the Committee, and that person is him.

◆ Story Recap

George Wilson is a former newsreader turned conspiracy theorist – similar to Alex “turn the fri**ing frogs gay” Jones – but his conspiracy is very much real. Cpt. Jack has decided to pursue Wilson to discover how he knows so much about the Committee, and possibly get some information on who has been tipping him off.

◆ Tin Foil Hats

There have always been people convinced that they’ve been abducted by aliens, or that they’ve been in communion with forces from outer space – most of them living in the state of Nevada – but having one of their nut-job theories be true is an excellent idea. Shame the execution was so bland.

The Committee become prominent antagonists throughout the Torchwood audios, but they were beyond boring in this episode. Same goes for George Wilson, who was performed stiffer than a mahogany plank.

◆ Sound Design

Neil Gardner was on sound design duties, managing to do an alright job. The most notable aspect was that the intro for Wilson’s news broadcasts has been ripped straight from Command & Conquer Generals, where it was used for the Chinese News Station.

Bustling crowds at one of Wilson’s conferences, which suddenly fades out into noise on a laptop speaker. Sam chokes as the noose tightens around his neck. A ticking clock in Wilson’s room, amping up the tension whilst Jack holds him at gunpoint. A raging Committee battle around the planet Kepri 5. A shot from a silenced pistol. Police sirens in the distance.

◆ Music

I believe Blair Mowat is the sole composer for the Torchwood audios, and it really shows. Speaking as someone who has heard many of these releases, the bloke constantly reuses the same old motifs and stings. It comes across as lazy.

◆ Conclusion

Right at the top, running everything, is the Committee.”

A conspiracy theorist has been gaining mainstream attention in his quest to expose aliens… but said aliens happen to be real. Certainly an idea that had potential, so what went wrong?

‘The Conspiracy’ features some really stiff acting, though that’s somewhat expected from a pilot. Barrowman is usually oozing with confidence, but he does improve the more of these stories he records.

I love the idea of a conspiracy nut being proven right, but the execution lacks sparkle. It almost feels like David Llewellyn wasn’t interested in his own idea. Luckily, we all know that this range rapidly moves onto bigger and better things.

Review created on 7-07-24