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Review of The Claws of Axos by dema1020

4 June 2024

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Claws of Axos was an extremely middling experience to me. By this point in the Third Doctor run, and especially with this Season, the Master is just such this repetitive presence he becomes a bit unwelcome here, and, coupled with a very slow-moving story, I really felt a lot of fatigue with these episodes. Axos had some pretty neat ideas to it and the Doctor making a fake-out villainous turn was memorable, but the good moments are few and far between in this story and I feel take an awfully long time to build up to.

Still, the cast are doing their best with some lacklustre material. I wouldn't be eager to revisit Claws of Axos any time soon, but I sure didn't find the experience miserable, either. Jo Grant doesn't feel like she has a lot to do here, though. Very middle of the road to me overall.


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