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Review of The Christmas Invasion by 15thDoctor

25 April 2024

This review contains spoilers!

If The Parting of the Ways presents one end of RTD’s writing, perhaps The Christmas Invasion presents the other. The first of many Christmas specials is fueled off of strong characters, fun set pieces and seasonal cheer. But it’s fair to say it’s not the strongest story he has offered up - with good will having to make up for the holes. A satsuma being thrown at a button opens up a random bit of floor? Really? But then there is a school of thought that when you’re introducing a new character you don’t want the story to get in the way too much.

I’m here for Rose and The Doctor’s romance. I’m here for robot Santas and killer Christmas trees. I’m here for Jackie piling loads of food onto the TARDIS and talking about her various romantic pursuits. The plot though is paper thin, so watched outside of that memorable Christmas Day in 2005, my initial positive reaction (especially my dad laughing at “its a fighting hand!”) has slowly faded over the years.


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