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Review of The Chimes of Midnight by MarkOfGilead19

29 July 2024

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This is the first review I make, and it's the 6th audio I listen to. I was kind of losing interest in Big Finish. Really enjoyed Storm Warning, but the next 4 were just okay. Then I chose to listen to this on the bus, and yeah, I loved it. Time-loop stories are probably one of my favorite sci-fi trope, and I love me some Sherlock crime-solving stories too, so this is just perfect.

The first 3 parts and a half are thrilling, and easily one of the best Who has to offer. Then it kinda lost me a bit with the conversation between the Doctor and the house, but I absolutely loved that Edith not killing herself and choosing life is what solves everything. So yeah, 10/10, will be checking everything 8th Doctor and Charley related.


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