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Review of The Chimes of Midnight by ItsR0b0tNinja

24 December 2024

This review contains spoilers!

OK. This is the second time I have heard this. The first was all those years ago when it first came out. I liked it back then. And now…

It’s very good, but far from being a favourite.

The mystery is intriguing, with the setup and ‘goings-on’ being interesting and well done. But it goes on for far too long. I think cutting out half-an-hour would serve it some good.

For the last half-hour the story picks up pace, with a lot of interesting scenes and developments. Sadly, it doesn’t relieve the slight boredom I feel from the first three-quarters.

The performances are excellent, with special note to Lennox Greaves as Shaughnessy/Edward Grove.

Overall it’s a solid story, with a great ending, but sadly it gets a bit repetitive in the middle.


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