Review of The Chase by RoseBomb
2 May 2024
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The Chase is basically a better-written version of The Keys to Marinus with Daleks, and it's quite fun actually. A nice breezy watch, with the first couple of parts functioning like a Universal Studios attraction, which is very fun. Every part seems to just fly by, honestly can't believe it's a 6-parter, cause it feels like a short 4-parter, definitely, I'd say it's the most 'fun' Dalek story, whether that's something you'd want is a different matter, though I will say things like Barbara imitating a machine gun with the long torch and Peter Purves' introduction being a funny country bumpkin is absolutely lovely.
Mind you, it isn't the best-written story, more than a little mediocre throughout, and is at its best when it is light and fun, however, some things are too silly to be enjoyable, I don't care much for a Dalek whose quirk is saying, "umm, umm" a lot, or the Daleks nodding with their eye-stalks.
I quite like the idea of the Daleks making a clone of the Doctor to sow chaos and disorder and ultimately try to kill the TARDIS team (classic Dalek manipulation going forward) and if memory serves, this is the first instance that really shows their great strategic mind, though if they did this in future they'd probably give the robot a better weapon than a stick, in fact, when they do this in the future they give the robots a better weapon than a stick, still a good idea though.
I quite like the Mechanoids, they're good fun, this is my first time seeing them, and I'm already sad we don't see them more, I know they're basically just spherical Daleks that only attack when provoked, but I think they could still be a lot of fun to revisit from time to time, like the Judoon or the Ood.
Now, I am not usually big on male companions, call me a lesbian, but I don't really like it when men talk, but despite this, I already like Steven quite a lot, Peter is a magnetic performer and I feel like I'm going to have a lot of fun watching Steven be a good-hearted, ridiculous fool.
I must admit I got quite emotional watching Ian and Barabara leave, I used to think that they were little more than caricatures, but as I have warmed to Classic Who, looking past the shoddy effects and instead looking at the writing, engaging with the story as it is, I have grown quite fond of those two lovelies, I shall miss them, silly old fusspots. I think their farewell was handled very well and I especially like the fun photograph montage of them having fun and going home and especially, especially that it cuts to The Doctor and Vicki watching it on Time-Space Visualizer set up in part 1, which is actually quite a modern technique of filmmaking, quite impressed with how well that all fit together.
I guess it is nice to have 1 Dalek story that isn't about the horrors of war or racism, but the light tone makes them feel like much less of a threat than I believe they should be, it's an experiment to be sure, just not one I feel quite works, it is weird to see the Daleks in what can best be described as a 'space romp', with funny characters and cooky locations, it's an odd fit yet despite that I still quite like the story. it isn't the best-written story, it isn't the best utilization of the Daleks, or the Mechanoids, but all-together it is just very likeable in the same way that a lot of Nu-Who manages to be.

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