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Review of The Cambridge Spy by MrColdStream

17 September 2024

This review contains spoilers!

6️⃣⏬ = PASSABLE!

Barking through time and space, one adventure at a time!


A title mentioning spies has my hopes up! And this is another one with a storm, which is usually a good sign! But then again, we open the episode with some of the characteristically wooden character moments we’ve had a lot in this series, so I don’t know.

Forgettable Girl is sent back in time to 1963, leaving the boys in the present trying to get her back. Now this is a premise I actually like, not that the 60s seen here looks any more believable than the supposed future setting the series usually depicts.

What’s confusing here is that we meet a 60s version of Annoying Kid, who isn’t really the Annoying Kid but looks and acts just like the Annoying Kid, with the added 60s clothing. It is used for a timey-wimey plot tied to the real Annoying Kid, though, and it creates some stakes as well as something for Bad Starkey and K9 to do.

The supporting characters here sort of come across as spoofs on characters from 60s TV shows and movies, but they add a bit of an old-time charm to this.

The scenes in the present with Dull Professor and Villain Mother drag this down a notch.

This is probably the best episode so far. I knew the storm was a good sign!


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