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Review of The Burning Prince by thedefinitearticle63

17 July 2024

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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Omega

I didn't expect this story to be as good as it was, I was going into it expecting something fairly dull, and at the start it definitely seemed like my expectations were correct. Around the second half, this story picks up incredibly. The main twist is fairly well-done even if I saw it coming a mile away. This is mainly due to the unabashedly evil performance of Princess Aliona, she's certainly not the most despicable villain (That says more about Doctor Who than it says about her) but I couldn't help but genuinely despise her.

Peter Davison gives an all-star performance here and really channels the Time Lord Victorious when he confronts the princess. He also adds an emotional punch to the end of an already bleak story considering everybody died by the end. I love how blunt this story was with killing off it's characters, none of the deaths felt cheap either, they all had a lot of weight to them.

Overall, a fantastic story that genuinely exceeded my expectations tenfold, I very much recommend this story.

Next Story: Cuddlesome


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