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11 September 2024
This review contains spoilers!
Barking through time and space, one adventure at a time!
Things go downhill from here.
Why do they put these weird Departement Robomen into every single episode since they never do anything substantial?
Drake is another terrible character. He shall be known as Smug Face henceforth. His scenes with Villain Mother make no sense. And the scenes with the three lead children are even worse than before.
The titular bounty hunter is like a mix of a terrible children’s show character and a supervillain. He is overwritten and overplayed—pretty much Zaroff (see The Underwater Menace) levels of bad but not in a good way.
Between the time-travelling bounty hunter plot and the rogue ferris wheel threat, this is probably the stupidest episode yet. The latter is resolved halfway through, leaving pretty much nothing for the second part.
The CGI leash looks horrendous! And it’s broken by a cup of coffee—that’s stupid!
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