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Review of The Boundless Sea by thedefinitearticle63

30 November 2024

This review contains spoilers!

I've decided to take a small break from mainline Doctor Who. Doing it in timeline order is fun but it can feel repetitive. Therefore, I've decided to delve into the spinoffs, starting with The Diary of River Song.

Now this first story is nothing special, but I enjoyed it a fair bit and I'm certainly keen on seeing this series through now. You can tell Alex Kingston is still getting used to audio but for the most part her performance is just as electrifying as it was on TV. I do like the way this explores the archeological side of River which is something you'd be forgiven for forgetting about on TV aside from a few small jokes. I found the bits with River narrating what's presumably her diary to be really interesting, I hope that sticks around.

This story follows a fairly typical Doctor Who story format only with River in place of the Doctor (something I'm hoping will change considering I started this to get something a bit different to regular Who, though that's no fault of the story). The saltwater zombies are pretty standard as far as monsters go but they served the story well enough. I found Bertie quite interesting and I'm looking forward to seeing where this first arc goes. Overall, a pretty decent introduction to River on audio.

Next Story: I Went to a Marvellous Party


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