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Review of The Bone of Contention by PalindromeRose

25 August 2024

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Bernice Summerfield

#5.02. The Bone of Contention ~ 9/10

◆ An Introduction

Speaking as someone that takes cathartic pleasure in chewing out abysmal stories, there are some that I think receive an unfair amount of hate. One such example is a brilliant adventure with the Sixth Doctor and Evelyn titled ‘The Sandman’.

It really poked fun at how Colin’s incarnation was such a bar steward” during his earliest television stories, whilst showing us just how much said incarnation has grown thanks to BigFinish.

I was really excited that we’d be visiting the Clutch again alongside our favourite alcoholic archaeologist. The Galyari are up to something… and it involves a mystical wish-bone.

◆ Publisher’s Summary

It's good to get away from the joys of motherhood once in a while. So when the Perloran government call upon Bernice Summerfield to recover a state treasure, she readily obliges.

Trouble is, the previous Perloran government traded the artefact away to the Galyari, and to the Galyari, a deal is a deal. So when Benny arrives on the Clutch to ask if the Perlorans can have their Bone back, she soon realises she has her work cut out for her.

Work that's complicated significantly by a frightened young Galyari who latches onto her, as if to prove that when it comes to the joys of motherhood, there is no escape.

And the growing pains of this particular youngster are set to prove very painful indeed.

◆ Prof. Bernice Summerfield

Lisa Bowerman delivered a fantastic performance in ‘The Bone of Contention’. She also found herself acting alongside her brother, but more on that later.

The purpose of Benny’s visit is because she stupidly agreed to do a favour for somebody, and her identity is that she’s the girl who can’t say no… which often lands her in a heap of trouble. She does everything at her own risk. Her kind of drink is something large, alcoholic, and preferably non-sentient! Benny claims that not much impresses her, least of all funny voices – she has a two year old son learning those from her Porter (she keeps threatening to reprogramme Joseph if he doesn’t stop). She manages to calm down Greeko, and showcases her motherly instincts. Benny can be a bit reckless at times, but claims that she’d never hurt somebody like Greeko. She can’t pretend to ever know what it will be like for her Peter, growing up as a stranger on every world, an outsider, no race to call his own… but she’ll do her best to know and understand.

◆ Story Recap

The planet Perlor has recently went through a turbulent period of change, following a civil war and a coup. During the conflict, one side traded a treasured artefact of the state for weapons with a Star Gypsy aboard the Clutch.

Five years have passed, and the new Perloran government wish to return the weapons and retrieve the famed Wishing Bone of Perlor, with Benny being sent to carry out this transaction. Things are soon complicated when it turns out the wishing bone has subsequently been traded again.

The Wishing Bone is said to have belonged to a being that could manipulate storms and terraform planets, and that it could manifest a new body around itself at will. The Galyari have taken advantage of this fact to grow the perfect killer to go up against their Sandman… but Greeko is just a child, and Benny refuses to let him be harmed, whatever the cost!

◆ Mother Stands for Comfort

Simon A. Forward puts a lot of focus onto what it means to be a mother in this episode; onto that parental instinct that means you will defend your child until the end of time if it prevents them coming to harm.

‘The Bone of Contention’ frames the Galyari as the villains for the way they are treating Greeko, and the fact they believe he must be eliminated for the safety of all aboard the Clutch. But then the dynamic is totally flipped when Benny turns into Gerry flaming McCann and steals Greeko!

You then begin to realise that Greeko genuinely is a danger to all residing in the Clutch, and that his elimination is the only thing that’ll bring this nightmare to an end… but Benny’s maternal instincts fiercely kick in. She refuses to let this seemingly innocent child come to harm, making herself into the Galyari’s public enemy number one. It comes totally out of left-field when the dynamic of who is the hero and who is the villain flips, adding a whole new layer of depth to the action.

◆ Family Ties

Before concluding this review, I’d just like to mention how amazingly Lisa Bowerman works with her elder brother in this adventure. Robin Bowerman reprises his role as Mordecan (who previously appeared in ‘The Sandman’) and he’s marvellous in the role.

◆ Sound Design

I would happily see Simon Robinson stick around for this whole series, because his soundscapes are truly marvellous. He brings the Clutch to life with ease.

Bleeping communication alarms in Benny’s shuttle. Berserker-like fighting scenes, as Greeko is trained to become a Galyari warrior. Greeko growls and pants like a rabid dog, ready to savage at the first possible opportunity. The Warrens are a bustling hive of activity, with loads of shady and dubious drinking establishments. Greeko’s skin peels off around his eyes and he begins shedding, due to a heavy dose of the Growth Sickness.

◆ Music

Robinson uses this Western themed guitar melody when we’re introduced to Mordecan, and it blends beautifully with the more electronic and techno sound this score has. The violin piece when Benny first meets Greeko is exquisite too.

◆ Conclusion

You mean the wishing bone, you’re talking about the wishing bone!”

An episode which shows what happens when Benny’s maternal instincts royally backfire… as she kidnaps a Galyari kid! But Greeko is far from an ordinary inhabitant of the Clutch, and not really a member of the Galyari at all…

‘The Bone of Contention’ is such an intelligently written script. The way that Forward manages to completely flip the dynamic of who is good and bad in the second half was brilliant too.

Even if you’ve never heard/strongly disliked ‘The Sandman’, I implore you to give this one a go.


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