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28 May 2024
This review contains spoilers!
This story is told in a letter format too a future companion Barbara, meant to be read if Susan leaves or dies its interesting to think that she had that on her mind during s1. The story takes place before Unearthly Child with the Doctor n Susan looking for a place to stay commenting how funny it is that the Tardis keeps coming back to Earth. The Tardis lands in Berlin, the Doctors as giddy as a school boy. Love the idea of the Doctor still looking through that first contact disk from The Beginning and learning about earth history though that explaining how he knows historical figures from the time.
The pair go to an exchange shop to exchange some old gold coins to modern currency, meeting the man behind the till who agrees to help the doctor go to the National Socialist party where earth greatest minds gather, Einstein and Heisenberg to name a few. When arriving the Doctor tries to pay the doorman to get in which is kind of funny and some how works, with a passing of a letter. When they get in Susan is kind of swarmed by these business men to talk about science, but of course Susan is smarter then them and slowly manages to get away. She meets a man called Pollitt they both end up talking about art and how Berlin treated the Jewish religion horribly, Susan starts to feel disorientated and tries to leave and find the doctor but this leads to her and the Doctor being separated. I find that happens a lot in these stories set before s1.
Susan decides to stay and work out what to do leaving Pollitt, a young boy named Rudi suggests Susan should ask the brown shirts (the SA) for help. This extremely interesting listen so far because it being set just before world war two Germany with everything being on the horizon, its so unnerving as we know where history is leading. Rudi leads Susan too his brother in the SA to help reality set in that hes just a boy, anyway this leads too Susan getting help from the SA via her money. Brief detour I don't know what music plays in this story but its extremely nostalgic to me like old Youtube nostalgia music. Anyway this leads Susan to meeting Pollitt again, they go to a dingy nightclub, I love the soundscape of this story you really can hear the scene changes. Anyway its revealed Pollitt drugged Susan and does it again with a rag of chloroform. When Susan wakes up Pollitt has put her in an interrogation room. I loved this part of the audio it feels like hours go by the in the matter of seconds, this leads to Susans best moment yet of her escaping Pollitt with some mind games and a rope.
We also had a bit of Tardis lore as well with the key also changing shape when the Tardis does, its something I've never thought about but find it genius. Susan goes back to the exchange shop leading to all of this story being about the money the Doctor n Susan exchanged its revealed the man behind the till and Pollitt where working together and have the Doctor captive.
The Doctor has to talk his way around saving Susan from Pollitts gun which is very 1st Doctor this leads to Susan throwing chemical jars while there distracted, also using Pollitts lack of chemistry knowledge to his advantage to get away. When they get away Susan makes a good point in the letter to Barbara about changing history. Its quite a sweet story really and honestly has some really good moments for Susan n the Doctor, Susan has her best moments in the whole franchise this far too.
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