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25 April 2024
This review contains spoilers!
What has the modern series’ debut Cybermen story got going for it? It’s a solid introduction to The Doctor’s foes with a good redesign and a strong, suspenseful build up - they *feel* important. The introduction of a parallel universe is also a success, allowing the show to kill off a new version of Rose’s mum and introduce a living version of Rose’s Dad - that is what sci-fi is for surely? I like that writer Tom MacRae decides to make this universe’s Jackie Tyler a complete nightmare.
Why is this not a classic then? It’s poorly directed, I know Graeme Harper is a legend in Doctor Who circles, but this isn’t his finest work. A serviceable script falls flat on many an occasion here. I don’t think they got the casting quite right either, none of the introduced supporting cast are quite right - with the sole exception of Lumic’s henchman. Noel Clarke also hams it up a bit too much with Mickey’s alter ego Ricky.
MacRae’s script starts to completely unravel in the closing 15 minutes where I found myself eye rolling on numerous occasions. The ending is full of random leaps of logic, maximum suspension of disbelief and pure gobbledygook. It doesn’t undo the fact that the general plot of this story/ several memorable moments and ideas come across very well.
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