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Review of Storm Warning by joeymapes21

22 March 2025

The Eighth Doctor steps into the role effortlessly, and for his return following the TV Movie for the first time, feels assured, confident, and demonstrates the hallmarks of character which cements him as a favourite moving forward. From the off, his charm is evident, and his Doctor mannerisms perfected. Big Finish develop him well throughout, and this is a great start.

Similarly, Charley is well served within this story, really stepping into her own agency and character, fleshing her out, and setting up upcoming arcs, surrounding her and the story generally in such an engaging and gripping way, which makes it feel natural to want to continue.

Story wise, this isn't quite as strong as its character elements. I think the setting and it's use within the story are effective methods to introduce Charley and the Doctor, and set up this arc, so I can excuse that the story wasn't as gripping, or as tight as it perhaps could have been. But as a fan of historical set sci-fi pieces, there is still plenty to take from this to enjoy.


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