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Review of Stone Cold by thedefinitearticle63

9 May 2024

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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: The Friendly Invasion

It's honestly shocking how well weeping angels work on audio considering how visual they seem as villains, nonetheless, they are quite entertaining here. I think having newer enemies like the angels appear in a classic Doctor's regular stories (I know about classic doctors, new monsters) really helps tie together all of Doctor Who and make it feel like one long story.

This story doesn't really add anything new to the angels, and it's left quite vague whether shooting it to bits definitively kills it. Luckily, the unique setting and solid character work make up for it, I think 2 companions is a much more enjoyable dynamic than just the one.

It's an interesting story in that it sort of has a "happy" ending to it, but that's almost always an element to weeping angel stories in some way.

I was hoping for a bit more horror with this one, but most of the angel's attacks have already happened by the time we arrive in the story.

Next Story: The Ghost of Margaret


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