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Review of St. Swithun by JayPea

3 March 2025

"You may remember" HUH? No I do not??

The inconsistent footage/photo quality is a constant of PROBE, but I think is especially notable here. No wonder they put weird filters on everything most of the time.

Baggs films himself while walking the same way older parents did over the pandemic, his forehead is constantly cut off the top of the shot, and sometimes his eyes are.

Again though I do have to at least credit the fact that there's location shooting and establishing shots, they're at least seeming to figure out the format a little more as time goes on, and linking this back to cyberon and the shadow people makes this more interesting than most of the case files just from that continuity standpoint.

Cyberon being a locked up alien informant is also a kind of interesting idea.

Overall though, as much as I'm singing some praises for this case file, it's still a case file, and comes with all the pitfalls the others have


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