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Review of Spore by MrColdStream

5 November 2024

📝5/10 → MIDDLING!

Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time! 


British YA novelist Alex Scarrow brings here his first and only work for the Whoniverse. Set in the US with the Eighth Doctor battling an alien infection, it’s narrated by Nicholas Pegg. The story is well-written, and the American setting and characters work well enough, but the story itself hardly leaves an impression.

The story introduces Captain Evelyn Chan as a new companion for Eight. There’s barely any time to develop her, though, and she remains pretty forgettable by the end of the story. She has yet to reappear in the Whoniverse.

There’s some good action in the second half, but I didn’t get a proper feel for the story while listening.


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