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Review of Spirit of the Season by Seagullslost

30 December 2024

The first in the The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles: Volume 5: Everywhere and Anywhere

The Doctor and Valerie, arrive in a house and like the others who have found themselves there, are not quite sure how or why they are there. Clara a childlike entity has brought them there for their final Christmas.

This is my first time hearing Jacob Dudman as the Eleventh and he's not bad, as with Tim Trelor and John Culshaw its pretty close.

The house seems to be filled with things from the guests pasts, all of which are unpleasent, memories, events etc.

It is a bit been there done that. But its excuted well. It wasn’t the best place to start with the range as I had no idea of Valerie; I’m not familiar with her voice and background, so some of the stuff which dealt with her pain wasn’t as heightened as if I’d of known her better.

Its not the most Christmassy audio, I was in two minds as to writing a review, as I feel I need another listen or better still ,start from the beginning, which I might do.




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